Just about three weeks ago, the FBI announced that it will be hosting a teen academy here in Grand Junction.
For the first time, Western Slope teens had a chance to attend the FBI Teen Academy in their own backyard. Since the event is normally held in Denver one student who came all the way from Westminster says the academy did not disappoint.
Lindi, an FBI Teen Academy student says, “It's kind of been on my radar for a little bit and I finally had the opportunity to come out. So I think it was a good idea to kind of explore different career options because I'm kind of all over the place. But this is definitely a good opportunity.”
High schoolers had a chance to learn about a day in the life of an FBI agent. From handing evidence to dusting for prints at a crime scene. Organizers say a few dozen students attended, which is a more comfortable number than the 100 applications they usually receive for a Denver classroom fitted for 50.
FBI Special Agent Monty Waldron states, “This is a good amount for Western Colorado. Typically we limit the class sizes to around 30 to 40 students depending on the venue or where we do it but this is an excellent size for Western Colorado.”
Waldron explains, “All the kids were super excited to do this and do the evidence collection and it's a whole new thing for them and a lot of enthusiasm.”
“I'm looking forward to more of the process, kind of getting to learn more about the lab. I'm definitely interested in the lab or didn't want to explore that some more, see what that looks like,” Lindi said.
The all-day class gave teenagers an up-close look at a career they may consider entering in the future.